Our Service
What we provide our clients
Ensuring the best possible result in our service.
All furnishings wiped & sanitised
Carpeted areas vacuumed
Interior glass doors cleaned
Skirting & window sills wiped
Empty all bins and remove rubbish
All contact points sanitised
Walls & doors kept free of marks
Hard floors vacuumed and moped
All workstations, kitchen & bathroom areas restocked, cleaned & sanitised
All surfaces damp wiped & sanitised
Window cleaning priced separately
Security checks on arrival & departure, building locked & alarm activated
Personalised service to meet your needs

A number of products in the Agar’s Green Cleaning Range have been independently certified through Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), the “gold class” of Australian ecolabelling programs. Agar has formulated a range of environmentally preferred cleaning products that are both gentle on cleaners and the environment while still maintaining excellent cleaning power.

Reduces environmental impact
Highly concentrated
Highly effective cleaning solutions
Chlorine free
Phosphate free
Hypo-allergenic / promotes good indoor air quality.
Chemical Safety Data Sheets kept on file